Winter Protection
Learn essential tips to protect your water heater from freeze damage during winter. Discover how to properly drain water, use RV-style plumbing antifreeze, and prepare for spring startup. Ensure your tankless water heater remains in optimal condition all year round with our expert advice.
Protect Your Water Heater From Freeze Damage!
We wanted to provide you with some useful information regarding winter storage and maintenance to prevent any potential damage to your equipment.

It's important to note that the water inside the unit can expand when the temperature reaches 32°F(0°C), which can lead to damage to the connected water pipes and even the heat exchanger. However, this is a normal phenomenon and not an issue with the quality of the product. In order to prevent this damage from occurring, it's important to drain the water from the portable tankless water heater after each use if the outside temperature is around or below freezing. Make sure to open the drain plug and keep the unit in a vertical position when draining the water. You will also need to unhook the outgoing water line to ensure that any remaining water is drained.

We highly recommend using RV style plumbing antifreeze to pump through your entire system. This will eliminate the need to disconnect or drain your system, which can be time-consuming and complex. By using antifreeze, it will also ensure that freeze damage won't occur, giving you peace of mind throughout the winter months.

When spring comes, the process of switching back to water is simple. Just pump water back through the system, collect the antifreeze, and reuse it next season. This will not only save you money in the long run but will also make the spring startup process much smoother.
We hope that this information is helpful to you and that your unit continues to function properly for years to come. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.